Event Details
- Date: –
- Venue: Indian Valley Scuba
- Categories: Public Safety
- Tags: Solo DIver, Specialty Certification Dives, Technical Diver
PADI Scuba Tune-up / Scuba Refreshers
Keep Training
Every diver needs to stay on top of their skills and training to be comfortable, safe & confident in the water. Certified divers who have not been diving in a while can participate in this Scuba Review program and work with an IVS instructor to review academic material, dive knowledge, and confined water skills. An optional open water dive may be included.
Enriched Air Nitrox Diver
One of IVS's most popular programs, “Voodoo Gas”, as some call it…what is it, and how can it make my diving so much better? Are there any risks or reasons why I should, or should not, use it on every dive? Learn this and so much more by attending IVS’s EAN / Enriched Air / Nitrox Specialty Certification class! You’re only one evening away from unlocking the secrets of “Voodoo Gas”!
Peak Performance Buoyancy & AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Combo
The purpose of the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course is to polish a diver’s buoyancy control beyond the Open Water Diver level. The goal of PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy training is to enhance the student diver’s buoyancy control abilities through knowledge development and practical skills practice.
AWARE Coral Reef Conservation is a non-diving educational program designed to enhance the knowledge of divers and non-divers alike as it pertains to understanding coral reef systems. Participants are also introduced to a number of organizations that work to restore, repair and protect coral reef systems worldwide. This is a classroom-only program, that shares much of the key learning points with the PPB program. As such, we incorporate the key elements of this program into our IVS-exclusive PPB/CRC combination program.
Solo Diver / Self-Reliant Diver
The Solo Diver / Self-Reliant Diver program teaches experienced recreational divers how to safely dive independently of a dive buddy or strengthen your buddy team skills. The course stresses on proper dive planning, personal limitations, accident prevention as well as the benefits, hazards, and proper procedures for diving solo. You will also learn the additional equipment that is required for self reliant diving including it's proper usage and assembly. This is the prefect course for underwater photography, underwater video divers and as a preparation for those preparing to enter into professional or technical level training.
Deep Diver
Designed to introduce the diver to safely exploring the depths beyond open water limits and to provide the knowledge, skills & techniques to safely participate in deep diving activities to 130 ft, the recreational limit.
Recreational Sidemount Diver
Sidemount diving is just what the doctor ordered with regards to getting that load off your back when entering or exiting the water. It also is ideal for helping maintain a high degree of trim and stability in the water too! Training includes both a single tank and two tank configurations.
Adaptive DSD
A unique program developed to introduce the scuba experience to non-certified special needs participants meeting minimum age and health requirements. This program is conducted in a pool only.
Advanced Adaptive DSD
Indian Valley Scuba’s Advanced Adaptive Discover Scuba Diving program allows qualified individuals to expand the scuba experience from the pool to an actual open water dive. Designed for non-certified special needs participants meeting minimum age and health requirements. Instructor discretion applies.
Surface Support Partner
Designed for participants who choose to not enter the water or otherwise do not meet the requirements for in-water training, this program provides an opportunity for participation as a surface support partner, assisting with logistics, gear handling, and other important duties to support divers in the water.
Adaptive Confined Water Diver
Confined Water Diver is a certification level for use in pools only. This certification is for those who enjoy the challenge, exercise & fun of scuba diving but are unable or do not desire to explore the open water.
Adaptive Sport Diver
The IAHD Sport Diver course provides candidates with the necessary knowledge and skill required to dive safely in an open water environment under the direct supervision of an IAHD-certified Scuba Instructor. Sport Divers may dive to a maximum depth of 40 feet.
Adaptive Open Water Diver
The IAHD Open Water program is supported by the PADI system of diver education. We follow the standard PADI format, through academics, confined water, and the open water checkout dives. The key difference being that the diver is unable to comply 100% with PADI standards, and as such cannot qualify for a PADI certification. However, that does not mean the diver cannot dive; it means that the diver can in fact dive, and dive well, provided that additional IAHD-certified divers, qualified as IAHD Dive Partners, accompany the Open Water Diver.
Adaptive Advanced Open Water Diver
During the Advanced Open Water Diver Course the certified Open Water Diver will learn more diving skills. The course focuses on open water dives and only short sessions of academics. A minimum of 5 dives are required before certification. There are no compulsory dives. Together with your Instructor you can make your own program. The same Dive Partner level designation applies as in the Open Water diver program.
Dive Partner
The first level of dive partner training focuses primarily on the logistics and support that a trained IAHD Dive Partner can provide. From assisting and supporting, confined water training session support, to escorting IAHD divers on Open Water dives, the role that a Dive Partner fills is key to the overall effectiveness of diver training through the IAHD system.
Advanced First Aid and Basic Life Support
Health and Safety
This is the most complete Emergency First Responder program available and it includes CPR & AED training for adults, children & infants, along with enhanced secondary care and wound treatment techniques.
Pet First Aid
Health and Safety
If you care about your pets, then you should be interested in taking a pet first aid course, This program will give you the skills and confidence to do everything that you can to help them in the event that they become sick or injured. Pet first aid teaches you how to bandage simple to complex wounds which your pet might get when injured. Pet first aid also shows you when it might be necessary to take your pet to a veterinarian. We will also learn about pet CPR, including some of the best techniques for performing this skill and what you can do in the event of sudden cardiac death of your pet.
Marine Life Injuries and On-Site Neuro
Health and Safety
Serious hazardous marine life injuries are rare, but most divers experience minor discomfort from unintentional encounters with fire coral, jellyfish and other marine creatures. This course teaches divers to minimize these injuries and reduce diver discomfort and pain. Part II of this program will focus on learning how to conduct a neurological assessment on a potentially injured diver in this course. The information gained in this assessment can help convince a diver of the need for oxygen first aid, and help a dive physician determine the proper treatment.
Diving Emergency Specialist
Health and Safety
Continuing education is an important way for divers to continue to hone their diving skills and improve as divers. Divers Alert Network understands the importance of being an active and involved diver who takes the time to learn about not just new dive techniques, but techniques to care for yourself and others injured in a dive accident. To recognize this commitment to dive safety, DAN has created a recognition program called Diving Emergency Specialist. The DES designation is a way to commend divers who have sought out the training they need to be prepared buddies and safer divers.
Emergency First Response
Health and Safety
CPR and First Aid: Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care First aid and CPR are good skills for anyone involved in adventure sports or other activities - just in case. And, you need these skills for the PADI Rescue Diver course. Emergency First Response is a PADI affiliate that specializes in teaching these lifesaving skills - and they're for anyone, not just divers.
Emergency Oxygen Provider
Health and Safety
The Emergency Oxygen Provider program represents entry level training designed to educate the general diving (and qualified non-diving) public in recognizing possible dive related injuries and providing emergency oxygen first aid while activating the local emergency medical services (EMS) and/or arranging for evacuation to the nearest available medical facility. In addition, the included follow-on course gives participants additional training in techniques for providing emergency oxygen to a non-breathing diver. Advanced resuscitation procedures will be discussed and practiced, including demonstration and use of Positive Pressure Ventilators and Bag Valve Masks. Finally, our training provides knowledge and skills required to extend the usable delivery volume of a limited O2 supply, as in an off-shore diving excursion or remote location.
Nitrox Gas Blender
Life Support
More people are diving with enriched air and this means the demand for enriched air fills is also increasing. However, there needs to be someone qualified to administer these fills to meet this demand. This is where the Nitrox Gas Blender course comes in. The Nitrox Gas Blender course will train you as a qualified gas blender, allowing you to provide gas mixes to appropriately certified consumers. You'll learn the physical properties of oxygen, its associated hazards, handling requirements and what cleaning equipment and procedures are required for safe handling. Finally, you will learn the five methods of obtaining the desired enriched air nitrox mix.
Fill Station Operations
Life Support
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 90% of all high-pressure cylinder failures occur during the filling process. Furthermore, the data shows that a major cause of cylinder failure is the lack of training, knowledge and experience on the part of fill station operators. Fill station operators are the primary line of defense in preventing unsafe cylinders returning to service; and learning how to fulfill this role is precisely what you’ll learn in this training segment. The knowledge and skills you acquire will include: Fill Station safety, design considerations, related federal regulations and gas & dive industry recommendations.
Equipment Specialist
Life Support
Don’t miss a dive due to a scuba gear issue. Whether it's a blown o-ring, regulator problem, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, you can learn how to manage basic scuba equipment repair & adjustments. As an Equipment Specialist, you are prepared for the gear maintenance, care and adjustments you'll encounter everyday. In addition, you'll learn interesting background information about how your gear works, how it’s repaired and other information that will help protect your dive equipment investment.
Technical Equipment Specialist
Life Support
Building on the skills learned in other life support courses the Technical Equipment Specialist course applies the knowledge you have already learned and expands your skills as they apply to technical diving equipment. This course will focus on proper equipment configurations, equipment maintenance & cleaning, During this course we will cover the technical equipment setup from head to toe leaving no piece of your technical equipment setup untouched.
TriMix Gas Blender
Life Support
Building upon the Enriched Air Nitrox Gas Blender Course, the next step is taken in the TriMix Gas Blender Course where you will develop and master the skills and knowledge needed to produce custom gas mixes for technical diving that include helium. This course includes a review of academic subjects such as formulas, gas analysis, blending equipment, blending systems, oxygen handling, and the principles of helium. The Trimix Gas Blender course is designed to train qualified candidates to become competent in mixed gas blending techniques and equipment preparation for use with oxygen and helium.